As of this PR phpredis is the new default client for Laravel v6.0 (and up) Applications, you may be want to install phpredis to test your Application in a real life environment using phpredis instead of predis (which is not getting any activity since a while at the time of writing). UPDATE: Found out that the following command is all […]
Register Auth Routes in Laravel when using ::class for Controllers
Since Freek Van der Herten tweet about the way to register Controllers in Laravel with the ::class (Introduced in PHP 5.5) a while ago I always did it this way. (TL;DR: Go to Solution) As we mostly create APIs I used this when register Routes in `routes/api.php` only. Till Today… When I wanted to set this up, I’d remove the […]
DNS resolve Problems with Guzzle/curl, and php on MacOS for local requests
I just ran into a Problem where I wanted to request another local Laravel App (guzzle-test.test) from an App with Guzzle. TL;DR Run the following: curl Version mismatch The Problem is caused by curl installed in multiple versions. You can find further details in this Stackoverflow Post:
Use Github Actions to deploy your App on Laravel Vapor
As a full stack developer at novu, I always try to automate workflows. Especially deployments should not have to be executed manually as far as possible. With the release of Laravel Vapor there was no possibility for out of the box to execute the deployment e.g. in case of a push to the master branch. Since Github now offers a […]
Fix Laravel Mix’s “Hot Module Replacement reloading” with HTTPS
Laravel-Mix has a very useful feature called “Hot Module Replacement“. This tries to reload only the parts that have been modified. For example, Vue components are replaced without a page refresh. Especially forms can be developed much more comfortable. If HTTPS is needed for local development, this feature does not work as expected. However, the following changes lead to the […]
A way to enable startup scripts for a Docker Container
While I was setting up a new Image for running a app in a Rancher (v1.6) Cluster I had a real annoying problem. I’m using a php:apache to run a default Laravel app. The CI/CD Pipeline will deploy all stages like dev, master and feature branches on separate instances. When a Container will be deployed Laravel should also migrate its […]
Your personal weather station with a Raspberry Pi 3 Install samba and mosquitto (MQTT) sudo hassbian-config install mosquitto sudo hassbian-config install samba Install pilight Set port for deamon: vim /etc/pilight/config.json And add the following next to “webserver-port”: 5001, “port”: 5000, Start daemon with the following command if pilight-reveive says no pilight ssdp connections found (use option -D for debugging purposes): […]
Provide subscribable calendar with Laravel
For a small event platform for my friends and me, I needed a subscribable calendar for e. g. Google Calendar. I had to pay attention to a few things and find out, so that it behaves correctly. Looking for a suitable package, I found which I used for this short guide (thank’s to jasvrcek). Install the package Just install the […]
Using Gitlab to Deploy Laravel App to Shared Hosting via SSH
I developed some small sites for organizing events with my friends or supporting some blogs all hosted on a shared hoster service in Switzerland (if you are considering using cyon too, please use my referral link at the end of this blog post). Sometimes I have to quickly fix or change things and then annoy me that it is so tedious […]
Laravel Horizon, ext-pcntl and Windows
Update 2: You may want to use Docke for your local development. You could use these Tools: or Update: As of version 1.0.1 laravel does require ext-posix via composer.json as well. I’ve updated the post to take care of this requirement. As I start using Laravel’s newest package Horizon (Introduced by Taylor Otwell on Medium or at to control […]