Category: Archived

Some old posts written in German and some just to keep anywhere.

Your personal weather station with a Raspberry Pi 3 Install samba and mosquitto (MQTT) sudo hassbian-config install mosquitto sudo hassbian-config install samba Install pilight Set port for deamon: vim /etc/pilight/config.json And add the following next to “webserver-port”: 5001, “port”: 5000, Start daemon with the following command if pilight-reveive says no pilight ssdp connections found  (use option -D for debugging purposes): […]

Using Gitlab to Deploy Laravel App to Shared Hosting via SSH

I developed some small sites for organizing events with my friends or supporting some blogs all hosted on a shared hoster service in Switzerland (if you are considering using cyon too, please use my referral link at the end of this blog post). Sometimes I have to quickly fix or change things and then annoy me that it is so tedious […]

Xdebug – Troubleshoot Guide

Download xdebug To find the right version of xdebug for your php installation you can run php -i | pbcopy and paste the output here: After Downloading the correct DLL you could add these xdebug settings. (These are my used properties) add config to php ini: Setup php storm

Get Notification once Laravel 5.3 was released

Get Notification once Laravel 5.3 was released

I’m really excited about the new Version 5.3 of Laravel. All the more I don’t want to miss the Release. It is not clearly stated when it will be released. So I searched for a simple solution to get immediately notified when the time has come. After short search I found the popular service IFTTT where I created a recipe watching the […]

Fix Angular2 missing globalization capabilities till final release

I’ve started working with angular2 since a month. Due to my location in Switzerland, most projects language is german. Therefore dates, numbers and currencies have to be in the correct format. But Angular2 is still a release candidate. E. g. is it not possible to change the locale of the date pipe as we see can directly in the source on […]

Finally, a working npm install routine for laravel-elixir

I work a lot with laravel in my freetime. There I take sass and typescript to build up my css and javascript files. Laravel has a great dev environment on Homestead ( and a simple gulp wrapper named laravel-elixir( They lighten your workload a lot for dev tasks, so this tools are unalterable! But its a big problem, if you are […]

Install Let’s Encrypt Certificate within a PHP Application with a public folder

I had a PHP App where only the folder “public” is accessible from the web. All requests made to the root folder were redirected to this folder. This could be any Laravel, Phalcon or Symfony Web App. When I tried to install a Let’s Encrypt Certificate I got an Error telling me “The client lacks sufficient authorization”. After some research […]

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