I found the following site helped me fix config of a mail server. It was sending mails marked often as spam. http://www.allaboutspam.com/ Follow the steps on http://www.allaboutspam.com/email-server-test/
Run Bash commands from web
Run Bash commands from a webserver and return the output to the response The above need was given to my by a friend of mine. He asked for a “As simple as possible” way to run and show potential output to a web request’s response. After some minutes of research I got a simple way with nodejs. Here are the […]
Useful Telegram Inline Bots
Useful Inline Bots https://core.telegram.org/bots/inline @gif – GIF search @vid – Video search @pic – Yandex image search @bing – Bing image search @wiki – Wikipedia search @imdb – IMDB search @bold – Make bold, italic or fixed sys text @youtube – Connect your account for personalized results @music – Search and send classical music @foursquare – Find and send venue […]
Environment specific Service Providers and Facades in Laravel
I often work with 3rd party app in my Laravel Projects, some of them are for example barryvdh/laravel-debugbar, barryvdh/laravel-translation-manager or aaronlord/laroute. Now I show you how you can load only specific facades an service providers for development. Let’s build this up. In Laravel there is a .env file which has a variable called `APP_ENV`. That’s exactly what we need. If the value is […]
Zahlendefinitionen in C#
float f = 1.2f; double d = 1.2d; uint u = 2u; long l = 2L; ulong ul = 2UL; decimal m = 2m;